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Terse Logback

Terse Logback is a collection of Logback modules that extend Logback functionality.

I've written about the reasoning and internal architecture in a series of blog posts. The full list is available on


You can find modules using

For example, the typesafe config module can be found under and selecting Maven will let you paste it:



If you want to see a running application, there is a showcase web application that run out of the box that demonstrates some of the more advanced features, and shows you can integrate terse-logback with Sentry and Honeycomb.


  • Audio: Play audio when you log by attaching markers to your logging statements.
  • Budgeting / Rate Limiting: Limit the amount of debugging or tracing statements in a time period.
  • Censors: Censor sensitive information in logging statements.
  • Composite: Presents a single appender that composes several appenders.
  • Compression: Write to a compressed zstandard file.
  • Correlation Id: Adds markers and filters for correlation id.
  • Exception Mapping: Show the important details of an exception, including the root cause in a summary format.
  • Instrumentation: Decorates any (including JVM) class with enter and exit logging statements at runtime.
  • JDBC: Use Postgres JSON to write structured logging to a single table.
  • JUL to SLF4J Bridge: Configure java.util.logging to write to SLF4J with no manual coding.
  • Relative Nanos: Composes a logging event to contain relative nanoseconds based off System.nanoTime.
  • Select Appender: Appender that selects an appender from a list based on key.
  • Tracing: Sends logging events and traces to Honeycomb Event API.
  • Typesafe Config: Configure Logback properties using HOCON.
  • Turbo Markers: Turbo Filters that depend on arbitrary deciders that can log at debug level for sessions.
  • Unique ID Appender: Composes logging event to contain a unique id across multiple appenders.