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Field Builders

To do most useful things in Echopraxia, you'll want to define field builders. This page explains the overall API of fields and values, what a field builder does, and how to use it.


Start by importing the API package. Everything relevant to field building will be in there.

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.api.*;

Fields and Values

Structured logging in Echopraxia is defined using Field and Value. A Field consists of a name() that is a String, and a value() of type Value<?>.


A Value corresponds mostly to the JSON infoset. It can be a primitive: a string, a number, a boolean, a null, or java.lang.Throwable. Or, it can be complex: an array that contains a list of values, or an object which contains a list of fields.

To create a primitive value, you call a static factory method:

  • Value.string("string value") creates a Value<String>
  • Value.nullValue() create a Value<Void>
  • Value.number(intValue) create a Value<Number>
  • Value.bool(true) creates a Value<Boolean>
  • Value.exception(throwable) creates a Value<Throwable>

For complex objects, there are some utility methods:

  • Value.array(valueList) takes Value or the known primitives
  • Value.array(function, valueList) will map the elements of valueList into Value using function.
  • Value.object(fields) takes a list of fields
  • Value.object(function, objectList) will map the elements of objectList into Field using function.

In addition, there is Value.optional which takes Optional<Value<V>> and returns Value<?> where nullValue is used if Optional.empty() is found.


The Field interface has some static methods that are the primary way to create fields:

  • Field.keyValue(name, value) returns a Field with the given name and value set, displaying as "name=value" in text.
  • Field.keyValue(name, value, PresentationField.class) returns a PresentationField that has more methods on it.

You can also define and extend Field with your own implementation, although that is outside the scope of this section.

You can also create a field using Field.value(name, value) or Field.value(name, value, PresentationField.class), which creates a Field with the presentation attribute asValueOnly set.

Field Presentation

There are times when the default field presentation is awkward, and you'd like to cut down on the amount of information displayed in the message. You can do this by adding presentation hints to the field.

The PresentationField interface implements the Field interface and also provides some extra methods for customizing the presentation of the fields in a line oriented text format. These presentation hints are provided by field attributes and are used by the toString formatter.

For the examples, we'll assume that PresentationFieldBuilder is being used here and therefore keyValue returns PresentationField.


The asValueOnly method has the effect of turning a "key=value" field into a "value" field in text format, just like the value method:

// same as Field valueField = value(name, value);
Field valueField = keyValue("onlyValue", Value.string("someText")).asValueOnly();
valueField.toString() // renders someText


The asCardinal method, when used on a field with an array value or on a string, displays the number of elements in the array bracketed by "|" characters in text format:

var cardinalField = keyValue("elements", Value.array(1,2,3).asCardinal();
cardinalField.toString(); // renders elements=|3|


The withDisplayName method shows a human readable string in text format bracketed in quotes:

var readableField = keyValue("json_field", Value.number(1)).withDisplayName("human readable name");
readableField.toString() // renders "human readable name"=1


The abbreviateAfter method will truncate an array or string that is very long and replace the rest with ellipsis:

var abbrField = keyValue("abbreviatedField", Value.string(veryLongString)).abbreviateAfter(5);
abbrField.toString() // renders abbreviatedField=12345...


The asElided method will elide the field so that it is passed over and does not show in text format:

var abbrField = keyValue("abbreviatedField", Value.string(veryLongString)).asElided();
abbrField.toString() // renders ""

This is particularly useful in objects that have elided children that you don't need to see in the message:

Field first = keyValue("first", string("bar")).asElided();
Field second = keyValue("second", string("bar"));
Field third = keyValue("third", string("bar")).asElided();
List<Field> fields = List.of(first, second, third);
Field object = keyValue("object", Value.object(fields));

Defining Field Builders

The FieldBuilder interface provides some convenience methods around Field and Value.

  • keyValue: renders a field with name=value when rendered in logfmt line oriented text.
  • value: renders a field with value when rendered in logfmt line oriented text.

FieldBuilder comes with some additional methods for common types, i.e.

  • fb.string: creates a field with a string as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.string(str)).
  • fb.number: creates a field with a number as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.number(num)).
  • fb.bool: creates a field with a boolean as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.bool(b)).
  • fb.nullValue: creates a field with a null as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.nullValue())
  • fb.array: creates a field with an array as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.array(arr))
  • fb.obj: creates a field with an object as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.``object``(o))
  • fb.exception: creates a field with a throwable as a value, same as fb.keyValue(name, Value.exception(t)).

The PresentationFieldBuilder interface is the same as FieldBuilder but returns PresentationField by default.

To create a field builder, you start with an interface (typically using FieldBuilder or PresentationFieldBuilder as a base) and then pass that field builder into your Logger using withFieldBuilder. Although convenient, you are not required to extend FieldBuilder or PresentationFieldBuilder, and can use Field and Value methods directly to create your own builders (useful if you don't want to expose field names directly).

You can then create custom methods on your field builder that will render your class. In this case, we'll create a field builder that can handle a java.util.Date, and create date and dateValue methods for it.

import com.tersesystems.echopraxia.api.*;
import java.util.Date;

public interface BuilderWithDate implements PresentationFieldBuilder {
  static BuilderWithDate instance = new BuilderWithDate() {};

  default PresentationField date(Date date) {
    return value("date", dateValue(date)); // use a default name

  default PresentationField date(String name, Date date) {
    return value(name, dateValue(date));

  // Renders a date as an ISO 8601 string.
  default Value.StringValue dateValue(Date date) {
    return Value.string(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(date.toInstant()));

And then create a Logger<BuilderWithDate>:

Logger<BuilderWithDate> dateLogger = basicLogger.withFieldBuilder(BuilderWithDate.instance);

And now you can render a date automatically:"Date {}", fb ->"creation_date", new Date()));

Field Names

Allowing the end user to define field names directly can be nice, but also introduces additional complexity.

The advantage to using a field name is that it allows a user to distinguish ad-hoc inputs. For example, if you have a start date and an end date:"{} to {}", fb.list("start_date", startDate),"end_date", endDate)

This is more convenient than explicitly setting up the field builder with two extra methods and then having to call them:

interface BuilderWithDate {
  default startDate(Date date) {
    return date("start_date", date);

  default endDate(Date date) {
    return date("end_date", date);
}"{} to {}", fb.list(

However, there are downsides to defining names directly in statements, especially when using centralized logging.

The first issue is that you may have to sanitize or validate the input name depending on your centralized logging. For example, ElasticSearch does not support field names containing a . (dot) character, so if you do not convert or reject invalid field names.

A broader issue is that field names are not scoped by the logger name. Centralized logging does not know that in the FooLogger a field name may be a string, but in the BarLogger, the same field name will be a number.

This can cause issues in centralized logging -- ElasticSearch will attempt to define a schema based on dynamic mapping, meaning that if two log statements in the same index have the same field name but different types, i.e. "error": 404 vs "error": "not found" then Elasticsearch will render mapper_parsing_exception and may reject log statements if you do not have ignore_malformed turned on.

Even if you turn ignore_malformed on or have different mappings, a change in a mapping across indexes will be enough to stop ElasticSearch from querying correctly. ElasticSearch will also flatten field names, which can cause more confusion as conflicts will only come when objects have both the same field name and property, i.e. they are both called error and are objects that work fine, but fail when an optional code property is added.

Likewise, field names are not automatically scoped by context. You may have collision cases where two different fields have the same name in the same statement:

logger.withFields(fb -> fb.keyValue("user_id", userId)).info("{}", fb -> fb.keyValue("user_id", otherUserId));

This will produce a statement that has two user_id fields with two different values -- which is technically valid JSON, but may not be what centralized logging expects. You can qualify your arguments by adding a nested, or add logic that will validate/reject/clean invalid fields, but it may be simpler to explicitly pass in distinct names or namespace with fb.object or Value.object.

Managing Null Values

At some point you will have a value that you want to render and the Java API will return null.

I recommend using Jetbrains annotations which includes a @NotNull annotation.

You can defensively program against this by explicitly checking against nulls in the field builder, by explicitly checking against null.

import java.time.Duration;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

public interface NullableFieldBuilder extends FieldBuilder {
  default Value<?> durationValue(@NotNull Duration duration) {
    return (deadline != null) ? Value.string(duration.toString()) : Value.nullValue();

Field names are never allowed to be null. If a field name is null, it will be replaced at runtime with unknown-echopraxia-N where N is an incrementing number."Message name {}", fb -> 
  fb.string(null, "some-value") // null field names not allowed

Complex Objects

The value of a field builder compounds as you build up complex objects from simple ones.

In the custom field builder example, the Person class is rendered using a custom field builder:

public interface PersonFieldBuilder extends FieldBuilder {

  // Renders a `Person` as an object field.
  default Field person(String fieldName, Person p) {
    return keyValue(fieldName, personValue(p));

  default Value<?> personValue(Person p) {
    if (p == null) return Value.nullValue();
    // Note that properties must be broken down to the basic JSON types,
    // i.e. a primitive string/number/boolean/null or object/array.
    Field name = string("name",;
    Field age = number("age", p.age());
    Field father = keyValue("father", personValue(p.getFather()));
    Field mother = keyValue("mother", personValue(p.getMother()));
    Field interests = array("interests", p.interests());
    return Value.object(name, age, father, mother, interests);

  default Value<?> personValue(Optional<Person> p) {
    return Value.optional(;

And then you can render a person:

Person user = ...
Logger<PersonFieldBuilder> personLogger = basicLogger.withFieldBuilder(PersonFieldBuilder.instance);"Person {}", fb -> fb.person("user", user));

Packages and Modules

As you scale up structured logging, you'll eventually reach a point where you'll have mappings for classes that are used in different packages and in different modules.
The best practice here is to create a field builder per package, and extend field builder logic by extending interfaces, and use a domain specific Logging interface to manage set up for the end users.

For example, you may have a domain driven design that defines classes entities and value objects in a domain layer, and these classes are then specialized and added to in subsequent modules. Say you have a classic e-commerce application. You might have several different modules:

  • A user module containing customer information with address, payment, and authentication details.
  • An order module containing order's components like line items, promotions, and checkout logic, depends on user

You would naturally have domain classes organized by package in each module, i.e. the user module would have com.mystore.user.User, and an order would be com.mystore.order.Order and would have a User attached to it.

So, define a field builder per package, and add a Logging abstract class that exposes a logger with the appropriate field builder:

package com.mystore.user;

// field builder for the user package:
interface UserFieldBuilder extends PresentationFieldBuilder {
  UserFieldBuilder instance = new UserFieldBuilder() {};

  default PresentationField user(User user) {
    // ...

public abstract class LoggingBase {
  protected static final Logger<UserFieldBuilder> logger =
    LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass(), UserFieldBuilder.instance);

public class SomeUserService extends LoggingBase {
  public void someMethod(User user) {
    logger.trace("someMethod: {}", fb -> fb.user(user));

Because the order package depends on the user package, and an Order contains a User, you want to extend OrderFieldBuilder with UserFieldBuilder

package com.mystore.order;

// field builder for the order package
interface OrderFieldBuilder extends UserFieldBuilder {
  OrderFieldBuilder instance = new OrderFieldBuilder() {};

  default PresentationField orderId(OrderId id) {
    return (id == null) ? nullValue("order_id") : keyValue("order_id", id);

  default PresentationField order(Order order) {
    if (order == null) 
      return nullField("order");
      return object("order", orderId(, user(order.user) /* ...more fields */);

public abstract class LoggingBase {
  protected static Logger<OrderFieldBuilder> logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass(), OrderFieldBuilder.instance);

public class SomeOrderService extends LoggingBase {
  public void someMethod(Order order) {
    logger.trace("someMethod: {}", fb -> fb.order(order));

This way, you can have your loggers automatically "know" their domain classes and build on each other without exposing the underlying machinery to end users.

Exception Handling

Avoid throwing exceptions in a field builder function. Because a field builder function runs in a closure, if an exception is thrown it will be caught by Echopraxia's error handler which writes the exception to System.err by default."Message name {}", fb -> {
  String name = methodThatThrowsException(); // BAD
  return fb.string(name, "some-value");

Instead, only call field builder methods inside the closure and keep any construction logic outside:

String name = methodThatThrowsException(); // GOOD"Message name {}", fb -> {
  return fb.string(name, "some-value");


Using the withStructuredFormat method with a field visitor will allow the JSON output to contain different fields when you want to provide extra type information that isn't relevant in text.

This can be used to show "human friendly" fields in a text based format, while showing more machine-readable output in JSON. For example, you may want to render a duration in days:

Field durationField = fb.duration("duration", Duration.ofDays(1));

assertThat(durationField.toString()).isEqualTo("1 day");

To do this, you would add a field as follows:

public class MyFieldBuilder extends PresentationFieldBuilder {
  public PresentationField duration(String name, Duration duration) {
    Field structuredField = string(name, duration.toString());
    return string(name, duration.toDays() + " day")
            .withStructuredFormat(new SimpleFieldVisitor() {
              public @NotNull Field visitString(@NotNull Value<String> stringValue) {
                return structuredField;

This is especially relevant for numeric fields where you may want to indicate units -- for example, a retry may indicate a numeric value of seconds, and a cache size may indicate bytes, kilobytes, or gigabytes. Unless you have a pre-defined schema or a consistent naming convention i.e. adding _second suffixes, the unit information is lost and comparing numbers with different units is needlessly complicated.

Type information is also useful in string contexts. For example, imagine you want to render a java.lang.Instant in JSON as having an explicit @type of alongside the value, but don't want to needlessly complicate your output. Using withStructuredFormat with a class extending SimpleFieldVisitor, you can intercept and override field processing in JSON:

public class InstantFieldBuilder implements PresentationFieldBuilder {

  private static final FieldVisitor instantVisitor = new InstantFieldVisitor();

  public PresentationField instant(String name, Instant instant) {
    return string(name, instant.toString()).withStructuredFormat(instantVisitor);

  class InstantFieldVisitor extends SimpleFieldVisitor {
    public @NotNull Field visitString(@NotNull Value<String> stringValue) {
      return typedInstant(name, stringValue);

    PresentationField typedInstant(String name, Value<String> v) {
      return object(name, typedInstantValue(v));

    Value.ObjectValue typedInstantValue(Value<String> v) {
      return Value.object(
        string("@type", ""), keyValue("@value", v));

    public @NotNull ArrayVisitor visitArray() {
      return new InstantArrayVisitor();

    class InstantArrayVisitor extends SimpleArrayVisitor {
      public void visitStringElement(Value.StringValue stringValue) {

This field builder will render fb.instant("startTime", Instant.ofEpochMillis(0)) as the following in text:


But will render JSON as:

  "startTime": {

This also applies to Java durations using ISO-8601 which you could mark with a "@type": "" and so on.