Construction with Subtypes
This example shows how to create capabilities from an abstract base type. You can read Constructing Capabilities in the guide for more information.
sourceobject Subtypes {
import Fruit._
sealed trait FruitState
object FruitState {
case object Uneaten extends FruitState
case object Eaten extends FruitState
trait Fruit {
import Fruit._
private[this] var state: FruitState = FruitState.Uneaten
def currentState: FruitState = state
object capabilities {
val eater: Eater[Fruit.this.type] = new Eater[Fruit.this.type] {
def eat(): Fruit.this.type = {
Fruit.this.state match {
case FruitState.Uneaten =>
Fruit.this.state = FruitState.Eaten
case FruitState.Eaten =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Already eaten!")
object Fruit {
trait Eater[+F <: Fruit] {
def eat(): F
object Eater {
def logger[F <: Fruit](eater: Eater[F]): Eater[F] = new Eater[F] {
override def eat(): F = {
println("about to do the thing")
class Access {
// Expose this capability raw, with no checks or anything.
def eater[F <: Fruit](fruit: F): Eater[F] = fruit.capabilities.eater
final class Apple extends Fruit {
override def toString: String = s"Apple($currentState)"
final class Pear extends Fruit {
override def toString: String = s"Pear($currentState)"
case class User(name: String, caps: Map[Fruit, Eater[_]] = Map.empty) {
def canEat[F <: Fruit](fruit: F, eater: Eater[F]): User = {
copy(caps = caps + (fruit -> eater))
def eats[F <: Fruit](fruit: F): Try[Option[F]] = {
val triedFruit = Try {
println(s"${name} eating $fruit:")
caps.get(fruit).map { eater: Eater[_] =>
val castEater = eater.asInstanceOf[Eater[F]] // Map strips off type info :-(
println(s" $triedFruit")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val access = new Access
def grantEater[F <: Fruit](user: User, fruit: F): Eater[F] = {
var steve = User("steve")
val apple = new Apple()
steve = steve.canEat(apple, grantEater(steve, apple))
val eatenApple: Try[Option[Apple]] = steve.eats(apple)
println(s"steve's apple = $eatenApple")
val apple2 = new Apple()
var mutt = User("mutt")
val pear = new Pear()
mutt = mutt.canEat(pear, grantEater(mutt, pear))
val eatenPear: Try[Option[Pear]] = mutt.eats(pear)
println(s"mutt's pear = $eatenPear")
val jeff = User("jeff")
val pear2 = new Pear()
The source code for this page can be found here.