This is an example of a gatekeeper in ocaps.
A gatekeeper looks at the identity (aka security principal) and releases a set of capabilities in response. Note that the capability is not dependent on the security principal after authorization, i.e. there is no ambient authority.
Gatekeepers typically do not hand out raw capabilities. Instead, they will typically hand out capabilities combined with expiration and revocation to implement valet key patterns.
Gatekeeper is often confused with the Powerbox pattern, i.e. here. My working belief is that Powerbox is a UI construct, such as a “file finder” dialog, but the working name isn’t important compared to the construct.
Please see the authorization for more details on how authorization of capabilities is implemented.
sourceimport{BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStream, OutputStream}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.{Files, _}
import ocaps._
import ocaps.macros._
object Gatekeeper {
import Document._
private val gatekeeper = new DocumentGatekeeper(Document.Access())
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val jeff = new User("jeff")
val steve = new User("steve")
val mutt = new User("mutt")
val users: Seq[User] = Seq(jeff, steve, mutt)
// Admin can do anything, so it gets to create the documents...
val adminActivity = new AdminActivity(Access())
val documents = adminActivity.createDocuments(users)
for (user <- users) {
implicit val ctx: SecurityContext = new SecurityContext(user)
for (doc <- documents) {
val capabilities = gatekeeper.capabilities(doc)
// Capabilities are passed to the scope
// Everything inside this user activity scope is "non-privileged"
val userActivity = new UserActivity(user, capabilities)
/** Admin activities have direct access to all capabilities, as this is not a user context.
class AdminActivity(access: Access) {
def createDocuments(users: Seq[User]): Seq[Document] = {
for (owner <- users) yield {
val doc =
Document(owner =, Files.createTempFile(null, ".txt"))
val writer = access.writer(doc)
writer.bufferedWriter(Seq(StandardOpenOption.SYNC)) { bw: =>
bw.write(s"Created by ${}")
def deleteDocuments(documents: Seq[Document]): Unit = {
documents.foreach { doc =>
val deleter = access.deleter(doc)
/** UserActivity operations are not guaranteed to have full access to capabilities.
class UserActivity(user: User, capabilities: Set[Capability]) {
def attemptDocument(doc: Document): Unit = {
maybeWriter(capabilities) match {
case Some(cap) =>
cap.bufferedWriter(Seq(StandardOpenOption.SYNC)) { nioWriter =>
nioWriter.write(s"Written to by $user")
println(s"$user writing to $doc")
case None =>
println(s"$user CANNOT write to doc $doc")
maybeReader(capabilities) match {
case Some(cap) =>
val result = cap.bufferedReader(buf => buf.readLine())
println(s"$user reading from $doc: $result")
case None =>
println(s"$user CANNOT read from doc $doc")
/** Simplest possible user */
class User(val name: String) {
override def toString: String = s"User($name)"
/** Gatekeeper controls who has access to capabilities.
class DocumentGatekeeper(access: Access) {
private val policy = new DocumentPolicy
private var userRevokerMap = Map[User, Revoker]()
def capabilities(doc: Document)(implicit ctx: SecurityContext): Set[Capability] = {
var capSets = Set[Document.Capability]()
var revokers = Set[Revoker]()
if (policy.canRead(ctx.user, doc)) {
val (reader, revoker) = revocable[Reader](access.reader(doc)).tuple
capSets += reader
revokers += revoker
if (policy.canWrite(ctx.user, doc)) {
val (writer, revoker) = revocable[Writer](access.writer(doc)).tuple
capSets += writer
revokers += revoker
if (policy.canDelete(ctx.user, doc)) {
val (deleter, revoker) = revocable[Deleter](access.deleter(doc)).tuple
capSets += deleter
revokers += revoker
userRevokerMap += (ctx.user -> Revoker.compose(revokers.toSeq: _*))
// If a user's session expires or the user misbehaves, we can revoke
// any access that the user has to all documents.
def revoke(user: User): Unit = {
// Note that the revoker map prevents the document object from being GC'ed,
// so if you want to release it you may need to use scala.WeakReference
userRevokerMap -= user
class DocumentPolicy {
// anyone can read.
def canRead(user: User, doc: Document): Boolean = true
// only document owner can write.
def canWrite(user: User, doc: Document): Boolean = {
isDocumentOwner(user, doc)
// only document owner can delete.
def canDelete(user: User, doc: Document): Boolean = {
isDocumentOwner(user, doc)
private def isDocumentOwner(user: User, doc: Document): Boolean = {
/** Implicit security context authorizes a particular user for a particular doc against a
* gatekeeper.
class SecurityContext(val user: User)
/** A document resource. The path is private, and no operations are possible without an associated
* capability.
final class Document private (val owner: String, private[this] val path: Path) {
private object capabilities {
val reader: Document.Reader = new Document.Reader {
override def bufferedReader[T](block: BufferedReader => T): T = {
val reader =
Files.newBufferedReader(Document.this.path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
try {
} finally {
override def inputStream[T](block: InputStream => T): T = {
val is = Files.newInputStream(Document.this.path)
try {
} finally {
val writer: Document.Writer = new Document.Writer {
override def bufferedWriter[T](
options: Seq[OpenOption] = Seq(StandardOpenOption.SYNC)
)(block: BufferedWriter => T): T = {
val bufWriter =
Files.newBufferedWriter(Document.this.path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, options: _*)
try {
} finally {
override def outputStream[T](options: Seq[OpenOption])(block: OutputStream => T): T = {
val os = Files.newOutputStream(Document.this.path, options: _*)
try {
} finally {
val deleter: Document.Deleter = new Deleter {
override def delete(): Unit = Files.delete(Document.this.path)
override def toString: String = s"Document(owner = $owner)"
object Document {
trait Capability
trait Reader extends Capability {
def bufferedReader[T](block: BufferedReader => T): T
def inputStream[T](block: InputStream => T): T
trait Writer extends Capability {
def bufferedWriter[T](options: Seq[OpenOption])(block: BufferedWriter => T): T
def outputStream[T](options: Seq[OpenOption])(block: OutputStream => T): T
trait Deleter extends Capability {
def delete(): Unit
final class Access private {
def reader(document: Document): Reader = document.capabilities.reader
def writer(document: Document): Writer = document.capabilities.writer
def deleter(document: Document): Deleter = document.capabilities.deleter
object Access {
private val instance = new Access()
def apply(): Access = instance
def apply(owner: String, path: java.nio.file.Path): Document = {
new Document(owner, path)
private def maybeWriter(capabilities: Set[Capability]): Option[Writer] = {
capabilities.collectFirst { case writer: Writer =>
private def maybeReader(capabilities: Set[Capability]): Option[Reader] = {
capabilities.collectFirst { case reader: Reader =>