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There may be sensitive information that you don't want to show up in the logs. You can get around this by passing your information through a censor. This is a custom bit of code written for Logback, but it's not too complex.

There are two rules and a converter that are used in Logback to define and reference censors: CensorAction, CensorRefAction and the censor converter.

    <newRule pattern="*/censor"

    <newRule pattern="*/censor-ref"

    <conversionRule conversionWord="censor" converterClass="com.tersesystems.logback.censor.CensorConverter" />

    <!-- ... -->

The CensorAction defines a censor that can be referred to by the CensorRef action and the censor conversionWord, using the censor name. The default implementation is the regex censor, which will look for a regular expression and replace it with the replacement text defined:

    <censor name="censor-name1" class="com.tersesystems.logback.censor.RegexCensor">
        <replacementText>[CENSORED BY CENSOR1]</replacementText>

    <censor name="censor-name2" class="com.tersesystems.logback.censor.RegexCensor">
        <replacementText>[CENSORED BY CENSOR2]</replacementText>

Once you have the censors defined, you can use the censor word by specifying the target as defined in the pattern encoder format, and adding the name as the option list using curly braces, i.e. %censor(%msg){censor-name1}. If you don't define the censor, then the first available censor will be picked.

    <appender name="TEST1" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">

    <appender name="TEST2" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">

If you are working with a componentized framework, you'll want to use the censor-ref action instead. Here's an example using logstash-logback-encoder.

    <appender name="TEST3" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
        <encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">
            <jsonGeneratorDecorator class="com.tersesystems.logback.censor.CensoringJsonGeneratorDecorator">
                <censor-ref ref="json-censor"/>

In this case, CensoringJsonGeneratorDecorator implements the CensorAttachable interface and so will run message text through the censor if it exists.

See Application Logging in Java: Converters for more details.