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Installation is pretty straight-forward with the exception of the instrumentation agent, which is covered seperately.

Create a subproject logging and make your main codebase depend on it, but only provide slf4j-api to the main codebase.


You should install at least logback-classic:


and if you want a "preconfigured" set up you can start with logback-structured-config:



You should install at least logback-classic:

implementation 'com.tersesystems.logback:logback-classic:<latestVersion>'

and if you want a "preconfigured" set up you can start with logback-structured-config:

implementation 'com.tersesystems.logback:logback-structured-config:<latestVersion>'


Same as Maven and Gradle. Create an SBT subproject and include it with your main build.

lazy val logging = (project in file("logging")).settings(
  libraryDependencies += "com.tersesystems.logback" % "logback-structured-config" % "<latestVersion>"

lazy val impl = (project in file("impl")).settings(
  // all your code dependencies + slf4j-api
  libraryDependencies += "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.25"

lazy val root = project in file(".").aggregate(logging, impl)