Entry Transformation

An Entry is a “raw” statement that is a representation of what will be sent to SLF4J. It consists of an Option[org.slf4j.Marker], a message of type String, and arguments of type Option[Array[Any]].

Blindsight can add transformation steps to modify or replace the Entry just before it is logged.

You can apply multiple transformations, and they will be processed in order.


Entry transformation applies a function to the entry before it is logged. This gives you the opportunity to modify the behavior of logging from a central location, as opposed to editing every single statement.

For example, you can fortune cookie every logging message:

val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger
                .withEntryTransform(e =>
                   e.copy(message = e.message + " IN BED"))

logger.info("You will discover your hidden talents")

You can also specify an entry transform for a particular level, which can be useful for integrating into metrics and error reporting systems:

val errorTransform: (Entry => Entry) = { entry =>

val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger
                .withEntryTransform(Level.ERROR, errorTransform)

logger.error("someone is wrong on the internet")

You can specify multiple transformations, and they will be applied in the order in which they were declared:

val logger = createLogger
        .withEntryTransform(e => e.copy(message = e.message + " ONE"))
        .withEntryTransform(e => e.copy(message = e.message + " TWO"))


// get list appender from logback...
val event = listAppender.list.get(0)
event.getMessage must equal("MESSAGE ONE TWO")

Transforms with Event Buffers

You can use entry transformations in conjunction with event buffering.

Because event buffering is itself a case of entry transformation, the same rules apply. This means that if you want the transformed entry, you must add the event buffer after the event transformation:

val logger = createLogger
        .withEntryTransform(e => e.copy(message = e.message + " ONE"))

// event buffer will contain event with entry.message == "MESSAGE ONE"
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